Aaaaah, air conditioning!!

I’m back!! 🙂

A great time was had by all, we’re pooped, and completely out of groceries. More soon, but there’s laundry to be done, food to be bought and doggies to be retrieved from the kennel…

It’s Friday so…

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Things that make you happy. From the mind of Nattie Rose.

  • Meeting Leann yesterday!

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  • Naptimes.
  • New Bob & Larry videos that are coming out!
  • Classical music.
  • Online shopping.
  • Watching Noelle play.
  • Eating sugar snap peas from my garden.

    From Friday’s Feast:

    What time do you usually wake up each day? If you could choose your wake-up time, when would it be?

    Lately I’ve been waking up about 6 a.m., but it’s rare that I get up before 7. If I could choose it, it would probably stay at 6, I would just actually get up then!

    When was the last time you bought groceries? What store did you go to? Name 3 things you purchased.

    It’s been several weeks since I bought real groceries, but I did go this morning and buy some snacks for our road trip. I went to Walm@rt and bought . . . grapes, slim jims, animal crakers.

    How many books have you read so far this year? Which was your favorite and why?

    You can see my book list here – so far I’ve read 47 books, although the disclaimer is that they weren’t all 1st time reads. I love re-reading when I don’t have time to dive into something and give it a chunk of time to get into it. My favorite was maybe Breaker’s Reef by Terry Blackstock. She writes GOOD Christian mysteries.

    Main Course
    What is something you consider to be very elegant? In particular, what about that item/place/person conjures up the feeling of elegance?

    I consider simplicity to be elegant . . . just to be content with what one has and at peace with that. I see in that calmness and elegance and tranquility . . . not clamoring for more, more, more!

    Who taught you how to drive?

    Both my parents . . . it took a combined effort!

    I’m offline until probably next Thursday or Friday . . . we’re heading out tomorrow to visit our Ohio family and I’m planning (hoping) to be offline until we get back so I get a REAL break from work. 🙂 See you next week!

  • It’s Friday so…

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    Things that make you happy. From the mind of Nattie Rose.

  • Meeting Leann yesterday!

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  • Naptimes.
  • New Bob & Larry videos that are coming out!
  • Classical music.
  • Online shopping.
  • Watching Noelle play.
  • Eating sugar snap peas from my garden.

    From Friday’s Feast:

    What time do you usually wake up each day? If you could choose your wake-up time, when would it be?

    Lately I’ve been waking up about 6 a.m., but it’s rare that I get up before 7. If I could choose it, it would probably stay at 6, I would just actually get up then!

    When was the last time you bought groceries? What store did you go to? Name 3 things you purchased.

    It’s been several weeks since I bought real groceries, but I did go this morning and buy some snacks for our road trip. I went to Walm@rt and bought . . . grapes, slim jims, animal crakers.

    How many books have you read so far this year? Which was your favorite and why?

    You can see my book list here – so far I’ve read 47 books, although the disclaimer is that they weren’t all 1st time reads. I love re-reading when I don’t have time to dive into something and give it a chunk of time to get into it. My favorite was maybe Breaker’s Reef by Terry Blackstock. She writes GOOD Christian mysteries.

    Main Course
    What is something you consider to be very elegant? In particular, what about that item/place/person conjures up the feeling of elegance?

    I consider simplicity to be elegant . . . just to be content with what one has and at peace with that. I see in that calmness and elegance and tranquility . . . not clamoring for more, more, more!

    Who taught you how to drive?

    Both my parents . . . it took a combined effort!

    I’m offline until probably next Thursday or Friday . . . we’re heading out tomorrow to visit our Ohio family and I’m planning (hoping) to be offline until we get back so I get a REAL break from work. 🙂 See you next week!

  • Dr. Update

    Just popping on to say the doctor visit went good yesterday! I didn’t even have to have my blood drawn . . . they are going to wait and do that at my 13 week appointment next month when we also get to hear the heartbeat. All looks good, thank you Lord! I’m measuring a little larger than normal (and poking out and showing some already), but Noelle was such a big baby, my Dr. didn’t seem that surprised by it. (Secretly, deep down, and not admiting to anyone but YOU – I would LUUUUUUURVE me some twins!) 🙂 Did some preliminary review of my chart from the last pregnancy. I had had to have a c-section with Noelle because the Dr. was worried I wouldn’t be able to deliver her (9 lb. 11 oz.) and she was worried my pelvic bones weren’t turned right or something. Anyway, it looks like (as of now) that she is okay with me trying a VBAC. Of course, she went into the risks and some of the precautions we’ll have to take, but I’m just encouraged that there’s a good chance I’ll get to actually get to experience going in to labor, water breaking, etc. I had seriously high blood pressure and borderline toxemia when I delivered last time, so those factors will all have to be taken into consideration, too.

    We also talked a bunch about diet. I tested high on my blood sugar before and, we already know about the size of baby #1 . . . I am really going to consciously work toward eating GOOD this pregnancy. That said, I’m starving at the moment and dinner isn’t for another 1/2 hour or so! 🙂 So to tide me over until supper, some pictures of my delicious girl. 🙂

    Noelle and the puppies in the sprinkler getting soaked!

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    Noelle and her friends. 🙂

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    Dr. Update

    Just popping on to say the doctor visit went good yesterday! I didn’t even have to have my blood drawn . . . they are going to wait and do that at my 13 week appointment next month when we also get to hear the heartbeat. All looks good, thank you Lord! I’m measuring a little larger than normal (and poking out and showing some already), but Noelle was such a big baby, my Dr. didn’t seem that surprised by it. (Secretly, deep down, and not admiting to anyone but YOU – I would LUUUUUUURVE me some twins!) 🙂 Did some preliminary review of my chart from the last pregnancy. I had had to have a c-section with Noelle because the Dr. was worried I wouldn’t be able to deliver her (9 lb. 11 oz.) and she was worried my pelvic bones weren’t turned right or something. Anyway, it looks like (as of now) that she is okay with me trying a VBAC. Of course, she went into the risks and some of the precautions we’ll have to take, but I’m just encouraged that there’s a good chance I’ll get to actually get to experience going in to labor, water breaking, etc. I had seriously high blood pressure and borderline toxemia when I delivered last time, so those factors will all have to be taken into consideration, too.

    We also talked a bunch about diet. I tested high on my blood sugar before and, we already know about the size of baby #1 . . . I am really going to consciously work toward eating GOOD this pregnancy. That said, I’m starving at the moment and dinner isn’t for another 1/2 hour or so! 🙂 So to tide me over until supper, some pictures of my delicious girl. 🙂

    Noelle and the puppies in the sprinkler getting soaked!

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    Noelle and her friends. 🙂

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    Summer Solstice today – apparently the longest day of the year. In honor of summer I’ve changed my blog header and it stars our furry babies who just don’t get as much press as our non-furry one. They were feeling slighted, I believe. 🙂

    Busy weekend! We had a great time on Sunday at our church picnic. The weather could not have been more pleasant. For this slightly pregnant person to be able to wear jean overalls and NOT be sweating is saying something. The picnic was held at one of our church family’s homes about thirty minutes outside town. Huge yard – they had badminton set up in the front, volleyball in the back and horseshoes off to the side. Of course, you’ll never guess where I spent most of my time? 🙂 At the fish pond! They had a small man-made fishpond right in front of their house filled with fairly large goldfish. Noelle was beside herself with excitement. Her favorite thing to do at the picnic was to lay on her tummy and just stare down at the fish. (I was sitting behind her, holding on to the back of her overalls). My Dad was making bets that Noelle would be the first church kid to fall in the pond so I was trying VERY hard not to win that bet. 🙂

    Our Father’s Day was pretty much a normal Sunday around here with the exception that my family came to our house for lunch. We made fajitas (YUM!) and just hung out. Noelle got Travis a DVD for Father’s Day . . . Baby Einstein’s Baby MacDonald and they curled up in our chair-and-a-half to watch it after lunch. I got about a 2 hour nap . . . a luxury!

    By the way, Beth asked about Driving School. It was really pretty interesting. The guy that taught it was a good speaker and there were plenty of bathroom breaks. 🙂 Overall, I think it has made me more paranoid about other drivers that are out on the road (there was a lot of discussion about road rage) as well as more conscious about my driving. Still I’m glad I didn’t have to take the 8 hour class – 4 hours was plenty. 🙂

    Tomorrow I have my first OBGYN appointment for the baby. Praying for a good report and that I don’t throw up or do anything embarrassing when they take my blood. I’m so thankful I don’t have to take Noelle with me in the morning – one of the college girls at church is going to come over and keep her for me. I so rarely get a real babysitter that I’m always a little freaked about what to do . . . making sure she knows Noelle’s “routine”, having something ready for lunch or snack, etc. It would have been fine to take her with me, but I know they are going to want to draw some blood and I don’t do so well with that anyway. When I was sick a few weeks ago and had to have some taken at my regular Dr., Noelle was quite weirded out about Mama getting hurt and not liking it.

    Off to switch laundry…

    Summer Solstice today – apparently the longest day of the year. In honor of summer I’ve changed my blog header and it stars our furry babies who just don’t get as much press as our non-furry one. They were feeling slighted, I believe. 🙂

    Busy weekend! We had a great time on Sunday at our church picnic. The weather could not have been more pleasant. For this slightly pregnant person to be able to wear jean overalls and NOT be sweating is saying something. The picnic was held at one of our church family’s homes about thirty minutes outside town. Huge yard – they had badminton set up in the front, volleyball in the back and horseshoes off to the side. Of course, you’ll never guess where I spent most of my time? 🙂 At the fish pond! They had a small man-made fishpond right in front of their house filled with fairly large goldfish. Noelle was beside herself with excitement. Her favorite thing to do at the picnic was to lay on her tummy and just stare down at the fish. (I was sitting behind her, holding on to the back of her overalls). My Dad was making bets that Noelle would be the first church kid to fall in the pond so I was trying VERY hard not to win that bet. 🙂

    Our Father’s Day was pretty much a normal Sunday around here with the exception that my family came to our house for lunch. We made fajitas (YUM!) and just hung out. Noelle got Travis a DVD for Father’s Day . . . Baby Einstein’s Baby MacDonald and they curled up in our chair-and-a-half to watch it after lunch. I got about a 2 hour nap . . . a luxury!

    By the way, Beth asked about Driving School. It was really pretty interesting. The guy that taught it was a good speaker and there were plenty of bathroom breaks. 🙂 Overall, I think it has made me more paranoid about other drivers that are out on the road (there was a lot of discussion about road rage) as well as more conscious about my driving. Still I’m glad I didn’t have to take the 8 hour class – 4 hours was plenty. 🙂

    Tomorrow I have my first OBGYN appointment for the baby. Praying for a good report and that I don’t throw up or do anything embarrassing when they take my blood. I’m so thankful I don’t have to take Noelle with me in the morning – one of the college girls at church is going to come over and keep her for me. I so rarely get a real babysitter that I’m always a little freaked about what to do . . . making sure she knows Noelle’s “routine”, having something ready for lunch or snack, etc. It would have been fine to take her with me, but I know they are going to want to draw some blood and I don’t do so well with that anyway. When I was sick a few weeks ago and had to have some taken at my regular Dr., Noelle was quite weirded out about Mama getting hurt and not liking it.

    Off to switch laundry…


    Check out this cool baby ticker that I found on Manda’s site!


    Check out this cool baby ticker that I found on Manda’s site!


    Friday Felicities

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    Things that make me happy, from the mind of Nattie Rose.

  • A day with no swimming lessons!
  • Going to the dollar store with Noelle and buying her pool toys.
  • Worship music
  • licorice flavored candy!
  • Possibly getting to have lunch with Leann next week!
  • A phone call from an old, dear college friend who lives in the same town as me now!
  • My family. 🙂
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