Answering Questions

I’ve had several questions float through the comments lately so since I can’t get my thoughts gathered enough to post anything substantial, here goes:

{ Potato Soup }

Becky asked me about a potato soup recipe. I’ve used my Mom’s for years and used to have intermittant success with it. But I think I’ve finally figured it out and it is super easy, cheap and yummy. (My problem was getting the broth/sauce to thicken just so.)

Cook 3 large potatoes, diced until tender.
Melt 2 T. butter in sauce pan over low heat.
Blend in 2 T. all purpose flour, 1/2 t. salt and dash white pepper.
Add 3 c. milk all at once. If you are low on milk, you can stretch what milk you have by mixing it with the water that came off of cooking the potatoes. I’ve done that when I’ve made a double batch of soup so that I am not using six cups of milk at a time!)
Cook quickly stirring constantly, till mixture thickens and bubbles – wooden spoon is handy. Here’s where I figured out the trick to getting perfect sauce every time … I stir with a whisk along the bottom of the pan until I am sure that the flour has dissolved into the milk.
Remove sauce from heat when it bubbles. If sauce cooks too long, it becomes to thick and the butter separates out. To repair – add more milk and cook quickly, stirring constantly, till sauce bubbles.
Add potatoes to sauce and heat through. Season.

{ The Early Bird }

Several of you commented on how early I was up this morning! : ) I’ve been trying to be diligent about getting up and honestly and truly, it’s God who put the desire in me! I wouldn’t have said I am a morning person, but I now crave that time and look forward to it. Let it be known … I didn’t just roll over one morning and start getting up at 5:30. I think I start around 6:30 and then moved it back. It also helped because Elizabeth would get up to nurse anytime between 5 a.m. and 7 a.m. (no set time, of course!) and I would just stay up after feeding her.

I now try and get up around 5:30 a.m. … that’s when the coffee maker is set for, anyway. If I get up them, I can usually get at least an hour and a half before the girls get up, although about half the time, Elizabeth is kicking on the floor beside me while I work on my Bible study. I’ve just had to be realistic about getting stuff done in the evening. By the time the girls get to bed, I’m too pooped to pull out my Bible study and then it just doesn’t get done.

{ Our Sam Dog – The Conclusion }

Several of you have asked me about our dog, Sam, and whatever happened to him. After housing him for two days, we (meaning Travis) ended up taking Sam to the pound. Noelle (4) was not understanding why Sam left, then came home, then was leaving again and it seemed the easiest thing to do for her sake. (Not necessarily for me!) : ( My husband actually took him while I was at Bible study and I didn’t know until I got home.

Just for the concerned, we had called the pound/animal control at the beginning of our decision to try and find the dogs new homes. The county’s shelter has a policy of putting dogs to sleep only as a last resort. They are REALLY committed to finding dogs a new home and generally only put them down if they show signs of agression. The fact that our Sam was such a great dog pretty much guaranteed him a home and good care there until someone wanted him, for which we were very thankful.

Two days after Travis dropped him off, we got a call from the pound and someone was adopting Sam! And it was a family with three kids (like us) and the Dad had done all this research into huskies and was very prepared (meaning he knows that Sam is going to run if he gets the chance – not maliciously, just his nature). I got to talk to the new owner on the phone for a few minutes because he had some questions about Sam and he sounded like a great guy, and we’ve actually talked a few times since then because we’re trying to track down a duplicate set of Sam’s registration papers for him. (The girl had taken Sam’s papers and I’m sure they ended up with the dog cage … which we didn’t get back.) From all reports we have gotten so far, Sam is doing great in his new home and they love having him.

All that to say, I’m so glad the whole dog saga has ended. And, truthfully, I am very much enjoying life without dogs right now. Granted I have to sweep up a lot of food off the floor … I had no idea my kids were such messy eaters! : ) We still talk about our dogs and miss them, but has been confirmed over and over that it was the right decision for now.

{ In Conclusion }

Off to help Noelle with a little craft project she’s working on. She’s still running fever and if she’s still running some tomorrow (day 3), we’ll go in and get it checked out. I’m taking advantage of the extra snuggling my busy girl is letting me sneak in. : )

Photo Day

Here’s a few catch-up photos of the girls … we recently took 4 year old pictures, 18 mo. pictures, and three month pictures, but are just now getting a peek at them! Here is a favorite one of each of the girls (with a bonus of the baby because it just cracks me up). More are in my Flickr (friends and family only, let me know if you want to be added) for the interested. : )

Noelle's 4 Year Old Pictures

Natalie 18 (really 20 mo.) Pictures

Elizabeth 3 mo. Pictures

Elizabeth 3 mo. Pictures

Love these girls

A Memo

To: Elizabeth (5 months)
From: Mama
Date: 9 October 2007
RE: Cereal


Mama is thrilled with how excited you are about cereal. The fact that you have decided it tastes good has definitely improved your attitude with regards to feeding. This, again, is a fact that pleases us to no end.

However, if you could swallow the cereal, I think that would help us progress to the next level in cereal enjoyment. Trust me when I say it would be better for all concerned in this new and exciting phase of development.

With much love,
The Management

I am the Mom of a 4 Year Old

Yikes. Where has the time gone?

Our 4 Year Old Girl

Rider of tricyles.
Sister of littles.
Lover of Backyardigans.
And chocolate.
And Doritos.
And Baa.
Writer of her very own name.
Giggler of giggles.
Wearer of dresses.
Firstborn of ours.
And very very very much loved.

More pictures are up on my Flickr. Except for the actual family birthday party that we had on Sunday – my Dad took those and I can’t wait to get those to share. We had a flaming Dora cake. That’s a whole story in itself. 🙂

Scene & Heard – 9.19

Every so often Noelle (almost 4) and I talk about everyone’s name in our family and we practice what her first and middle name is, Natalie’s first and middle, and so on. Yesterday’s run through went something like this:

Me: Noelle, what is your name?

Noelle: Noelle Blah Blah (FYI … she didn’t say “blah”, but you get the picture). : )

Me: What is Natalie’s name?

Noelle: Natalie Blah Blah.

Me: Do you remember Elizabeth’s name?

Noelle: Elizabeth *wait for it* Diet Coke Blah

I love it.

The Birth of a Playground

A photo documentary.

The playground arrives!!! Noelle is very excited to see her Daddy and that her Sunday School teacher Mr. Chad is driving the truck. We loooooooove Mr. Chad.

The Birth of the Playground

Getting the slide off the trailer…

The Birth of the Playground

Daddy and his friends, Mr. David, Mr. Adam (hidden on the backside), Mr. Chad, and Uncle Boo move it to the right spot in the yard.

The Birth of the Playground

Ta-da! Missing only a ladder and the slide … but as you can see we are finally getting rain so we can’t play on it today. : (

The Birth of the Playground

The happy girl (with a very odd smile).

The Birth of the Playground

And no post of this magnitude would be complete without the inevitable shedding of first blood.

The Birth of the Playground

And now that we have this way cool playground it POURED last night … so we are snuggled inside today, having a rainy movie morning, drinking an extra cup of coffee, and looking forward to lunch out in a few hours with Grandma and Aunt Kathy.

Scene & Heard – 9.5

Why I love Little Einstein ….

Noelle and I had a rare time out last night, just the two of us. I put in her choice of music and thought I had it playing at a respectable volume level. 🙂 The conversation went something like this:

Noelle: Play it loudly!

Me: turns volume up a little more

Noelle: Louder!!

Me: turns volume up a little more

Noelle: Fortissimo!

Musical training apparently starts early round these parts. : )

HomeSchool Plans

So yesterday was a slow relaxing day around here. To give you an idea of how relaxing it was, Elizabeth (3 mos.) took at least a 2-2.5 hour nap after each feeding, Natalie (18 mos.) took a 2 hour morning and 3 hour afternoon nap, AND Noelle (3.75 yrs) slept for about 2.5 hours yesterday afternoon. We are all much more rested today. : ) Right now, the littlest ones are napping and Noelle is at her desk playing with her school supplies. We are trying to remember to get them out when Natalie is napping. I don’t mind Natalie coloring (on paper and herself, of course) but sometimes it’s hard for big sister to really get work done on a project with she has a little “helper.” : )

What did I do during nap time? Planning! : ) I typed up our tentative schedule for the fall. This won’t be the norm everyday, and the times are obviously not set in stone, but I needed to give myself a little more structure so things that I want to accomplish get done. Several of you had graciously offered up preschool suggestions for me last week and that was so helpful. My starting plan is to aim for three mornings of semi-structured preschool/table time for Noelle. Why three days? Well, we have Bible study at church on Wednesdays and this gives me a little time with other adults and the two big girls some playtime with friends. Then one day will also be for errands/library day (probably Friday mornings). I found this great list of preschool goals and will use it starting place for some things to work on with Noelle. Other things that I will be doing as well as resources will be:

~ Before Five in a Row
~ putting together a nature journal of things we find on morning walks
~ concentrating on one letter per week and while doing that we’ll…
~ make an ABC notebook, cutting pictures out of magazines and printing them on the computer
~ lots of time with markers, glue, scissors, and other crafty things
~ Bible memory (we’ll use her Awana materials for this)
~ helping with special Mama projects whether housecleaning or cooking something
~ lots of reading aloud

We’re planning to start officially after Labor Day, but next week will have several trial runs, I’m sure. And I can already tell a difference with Natalie by making sure she has a morning rest time, even if she doesn’t sleep. It’s been good for her to have that structure back … I kinda messed her up thinking that she was going to be dropping her morning nap and she (and I’m) not ready for her too.

Question for You

I usually hesitate at throwing out questions here on my blog … mostly because I’m worried no one will answer. : ) (But don’t feel any pressure. Seriously).

I’m curious about preschool. Noelle is going to be 4 in October and we currently don’t have any plans towards putting her in a formal preschool. At the moment, we are leaning towards homeschooling when she is ready to start kindergarten. That said, what have you done for preschool for your child(ren)? Did you do a formal 2-day a week (or more) preschool program? Did you work on anything at home that was more structured? While my goal is not to have her reading before she’s ready, I do want to work on some table skills with her as far as listening and following instructions appropriate to her age level, and also have some fun mama-and-Noelle time that is just for “big girls.” : )


The Irony

I find it ironic that the day that I post my “remember” layout on making better choices in eating healthier, that this is what I made my girls for breakfast for fun:

chocolate chip cookies.
It’s been sooooo hot here lately that we haven’t been able to do much of anything, so we needed a fun treat. My girls were pretty suprised with breakfast – their faces were definitely worth it. : )

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