Honor Your Husband – Week 4

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Lately I’ve been working on something … getting up for some quiet time in the morning before the rest of the house is awake. I set my watch alarm and the coffee maker for 6:00 a.m. and when they go off, I creep out of bed – trying my best not to disturb the baby in the moses basket next to our bed, or the girls in the room next door. I make a cup of coffee, adding whatever new flavor of cream that I’m trying out, and come out to my desk in our family room. I lay my Bible open across the desk and try and figure out where I left off yesterday. How handy my little read-through-the-Bible-in-a-year bookmarks are. : )

This is hard for me. I’ve struggled for years with setting aside time to read my Bible and study … there are more “exciting” things to read, or I want to have the “perfect time” – no disturbances, hot coffee, maybe a cute coffee shop where I can journal and be uninterrupted by children for a couple hours.
That’s not my reality. : ) And that’s okay. However, putting off time invested in my relationship with the Lord is only going to be more and more detrimental in the long run. Whether I get a whole hour alone in the morning, or I end up reading my Bible while feeding my 10 week old, I just need to do it.
Now, why am I writing about this when this is supposed to be my Honor Your Husband post for the week? This is something that I’ve been thinking on for a couple of weeks now … how can I be the best wife for my husband, one who puts God first and serves her family out of that relationship if it’s only a casual Sunday-morning relationship at best? I am honoring my husband by making time with God a new focus and priority. It is changing my attitude and my heart about serving my husband – when I submit my sinful self to the Lord, I’m seeing a difference in how I choose to submit to my husband (and with what kind of attitude). : )
Head over to Christine’s at Fruit in Season for more HYH posts and encouragement.

For Heather

I’m sure you’ve seen these all over the Blogosphere, but today’s For Heather. For her story, go here. To find out how you can help, go here.
Or pray, right where you are, for His healing mercy, wisdom for Heather, her family and her doctors, and that His grace and soveriegnty will be so apparent in this situation.


One of my books that I’m reading in the Spring Reading Thing is A Place of Quiet Rest by Nancy DeMoss. The sub-title of this book is Finding Intimacy with God Through a Daily Devotional Life. I’m laying it out here … I really struggle with this. I’m not good at setting aside time for the Lord … some of it is due to habits I never learned, some due to some misconceptions I have had about God … but make no mistake, it’s something I need to do. That said, I ran across this paragraph in the book that made me stop, and think, and go back and read the paragraph again, and think some more. You get the idea.

Over the years I’ve watched women walk through almost every conceivable ordeal, some of which have been unbelievably tragic or complex. I have prayed with friends through their struggles to cope with terminal disease, rebellious sons and daughters, abusive husbands, and torturous memories of sexual abuse. I have wept with women at the graveside of a little child, in the hospital following an accident that left their loved on on life support, and at the bedside of a husband dying from cancer.

Through those experiences I have learned a foundational truth. Whether the problem is earth-shattering or a mere blip on the radar screen of our lives, ultimately, the real issue is this: “Will I surrender to God’s hand and purposes in my life?” Those who refuse to relinquish control become emotionally and spiritually bankrupt – bitter, demanding, impossible to live with. Those who say in simple surrender, “Yes, Lord,” emerge from the experience spiritually rich, and their lives become a source of grace and encouragement to others who are hurting.

I am realizing that this is something that I don’t know how to do and it affects everything. From my relationship with God (“ahem, fix this and this and this”), to submitting to my husband (um, no control issues there!), to fear of how I would handle some devestating tragedy in our family … I fight surrender to God’s will in so, so, so many areas.

One way that I have specifically seen this played out is in the last area that I mentioned. We have been so abudantly blessed with two healthy little girls. There is a part of me that sometimes wonders when the other shoe will drop, so to say. Will it be with this sweet baby? As if I don’t know enough friends struggling in my offline-life, I’ve become acquainted with several women bloggers who walk this path daily: Sarah and her daughter Addison and Trish and her daughter Ashley. This morning, I read of another Mom, already dealing with her daughter heart condition, has been diagnosed with a brain tumor. Yet, amazingly, their writings are so full of grace and wisdom and that peace that passeth all understanding … I am floored. I’m not saying they don’t question. I’m not saying there is never anger. But these are women that have learned an amazing truth:

For My thoughts are not your thoughts,
Nor are your ways My ways,” declares the LORD.
For as the heavens are higher than the earth,
So are My ways higher than your ways
And My thoughts than your thoughts.
Isaiah 55:8-9

It’s a good feeling to be searching the Scriptures on my own so that I can write these truths upon my heart as well.


I’m home from church with the munchkins this morning. N1 had a restless night, and the cause of that was shared with all of that a little before 7 a.m. this morning. It’s now 9:30, and both girls are napping – N2 in her crib, and N1 on the couch out here with me so I can monitor her easily and assist in any rushing to the bathroom. I didn’t sleep so well last night either (I think yesterday’s first day of real food was a bit much for my sensitive stomach), so I’m going to the couch and veg, maybe make a grocery list for this week, and just rest.

If you need something to read, stop over at Holly’s for a great post on contentment. Pretty timely for me this a.m. Struggling with being content when I’m dying to get out of the house, and am tired of washing sheets and clothes over and over.

Things I can be thankful for:

  • the fact I HAVE a washer and dryer that clean our clothes so well
  • all our cloth diapers are clean as of this morning!
  • for Grandparents that take the time to drop of a Dora DVD for the sick kiddo on their way to church
  • that I didn’t have any responsibilities at church this morning (unusual) and could stay home without have to have lots of bases covered
  • God is good

An Ephiphany of Sorts

I am full of good intentions. Aren’t we all?

  • I have a stack of parenting books that I’m dying to read.
  • I’ve been looking at some preschool things and conjuring up ideas for N1.
  • I have a start of a daily schedule for us that will help cut down on some of our TV time and just wasted time in general.
  • I want to get back into journaling on paper (where I can work out a few more of my private thoughts and struggles).
  • I have printed out several weeks work of my Motivated Moms housecleaning plan.
  • My Bible and Bible study are sitting out next to my favorite chair ready to go.

But, none of it is really getting done. Because I’m not acting on any of it. I’ve been setting myself up in some bad habits of procrastinating and doing the just-barely-getting-by thing for way too long. I’ve been making up way to many excuses and while some are good (or sound good), they are just excuses.

I’m getting ready to start fine-tuning some life areas and I’m already envisioning that some changes are going to hurt. 🙂 Before too long, our newest family member will be here, and if I don’t have some new game plans in place before then, it’s going to get even tougher around here to get things done. Time for making some changes … all good, some hard, but much needed.

Now for a concrete plan of action … for this week:

  • Make a DRAFT of what I think could be a workable daily plan for us. If we don’t have it ready to run/test by Thursday or Friday, be ready to go with it next Monday. Things that I want to see happen with this plan are: specific times for TV and computer for N1 (and me *sigh*), our plan to do more reading aloud written down, and getting back to N1 having some sort of rest time with books. (We were doing better at that, but it has been easier for me to let her have computer time if I want to nap in the afternoon … but books would be my first choice).
  • Work on keeping up with my Motivated Moms cleaning plan for THIS week. That’s all I’m saying. Just try it consistently for one week. See what works and what doesn’t. Fine tune what things need to be daily cleaning jobs and make note on what can go on a once a week schedule, twice a week, every-other-week, etc. Note: If you have not ever checked out Motivated Moms, I recommend it. I was fairly diligent with it after I had N1 and it was a great help to me to stay on top of stuff with a new baby. It’s not expensive, and you can download their cleaning planner in several sizes, and with and without daily Bible reading suggestions. I use their 8 1/2 x 5 1/2 size (w/o the Bible reading plan since I have one that I’m working on) and then print out about a month at a time and put it in my planner. When I’m on top of it, it makes it easy for me to see my cleaning to-do’s because it’s right there in my calendar.
  • Do my Bible study lesson for this week. Seriously, the husband is out of town … the only thing keeping me from getting it done tonight is me turning on the TV after the girls are in bed and vegging when I should be in the Word.

Anyway, just baby steps here to start with. As tempting as it is to overhaul everything today, I have at least realized that’s probably not the best plan. 🙂 For right now, I’m going to go switch a load of laundry, refill my drink, and find the top of my desk. And, as a teaser, hopefully I’ll be back later today with a picture post – we FINALLY took N1’s 3-year pictures with my Dad, and N2’s one-year and there are some fun ones to share.

One Thousand Gifts #4

61. Making lists.
62. Making Christmas goodies.
63. Preparing packages to mail.
64. Fun secrets this time of year.
65. Scratchy beards.
66. Napping babies.
67. Hot tea and girl conversations.
68. Soup and bread.
69. Just enough.
70. Addressing Christmas cards.
71. Staying in pjs a little longer in the morning.
72. An email from a precious friend.
73. Little flutters of new life.
74. Picking out names.
75. Writing down memories.
76. Ribbon.
77. Little pigtails.
78. Christmas dresses.
79. A day with nothing pressing to do in it.
80. Frost on the windshield of the car, and not needing to get out and defrost it.
81. Vacuuming.
82. Flannel sheets.
83. Holiday baking.
84. Reading stories to my munchkin.
85. A new calendar to break in.

One Thousand Gifts #3

41. Saturday mornings.
42. Oldest girl sleeping in. (Past 8 a.m. is sleeping in!) 🙂
43. Biscuits and gravy for breakfast.
44. A fairly quiet day.
45. Getting out the Christmas tree last night.
46. Letting the 3 year old help Daddy put it up.
47. Pictures.
48. Dogs that haven’t run off yet this morning.
49. An inspiring book.
50. A good verse.
51. Potluck dinner tonight at church.
52. An old family friend is in town for the weekend.
53. Travis deciding what seminary class he is going to take in the spring.
54. Having the option of doing it along side of him… (am I crazy!?)
55. A baby that ADORES her Daddy.
56. Planning for a few days out of town.
57. No computer, no email, no cell phone.
58. Lots of Skip-Bo & Uno.
59. One who stands at the door and knocks.

One Thousand Gifts, #2

21. Naptime.
22. The miracle of a new baby not yet born.
23. Being pregnant alongside a good friend.
24. Warm covers on our bed.
25. Clean sheets.
26. Diapers that don’t leak.
27. God’s amazing colors that he brings out in the fall.
28. The smell of baking muffins.
29. And chili in the crockpot.
30. Hearing that a young woman is making wise choices in regard to her education. (That’s you, Lexie). 🙂
31. Women’s Bible study at church.
32. Making Christmas lists for others.
33. Apple cider.
34. Hot coffee.
35. Mail.
36. Catching up with an old friend & meeting her son.
37. Cough drops.
38. Mini-vans.
39. The book of Philippians.
40. Bare baby feet.

1000 Gifts

1. Friday night family nights.
2. A God who is soveriegn.
3. Baby kisses.
4. Cinderella dresses.
5. Cool fall days.
6. Psalm 52.8-9
7. Playdates at McDonalds.
8. A husbands that come home from work every night.
9. Clean laundry.
10. A purple pen.
11. Women at Home
12. Scrapbook ideas.
13. Music.
14. A good book.
15. Inspiration.
16. Creativity.
17. Calendars.
18. Church.
19. Oatmeal chocolate chip cookies.
20. Fall leaves.

…to be continued.

The Soveriegnty of God

For who has known the mind of the LORD, or who became His counselor?
Or who has first given to Him that it might be paid back to him again?
For from Him and through Him and to Him are all things. To Him be the glory forever, Amen.
Gabriel Paul Godfrey
born to Marty and Susan Godfrey
September 12, 2006
3 lbs., 10 oz and 16 inches long
At home with the Lord

Josiah David
born to Jonathan & Debby
September 13, 2006
3 lbs., 4 oz and 16 1/2 inches long
Born 5 weeks early and breathing on his own

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