Have You Seen?

Katherine’s post on making your comments more user-friendly with blogger? Two brilliant little tips so that you can respond to comments by email AND know who you are responding to. Check it out!

Bringing Home Baby

As pretty much anyone who reads this journal knows, we welcomed our third sweet daughter into our family a little over three weeks ago. She was a c-section delivery, and you know, you don’t just jump up running from those. 🙂 We got out of the hospital on a Tuesday, I had Travis home with me for Wednesday and Thursday, my Mom for Friday, and then a weekend at home for our family … but then I was on my own the following Monday, when E was just 9 days old. If I had a dollar for everytime someone expressed shock that I was already at home with the three girls by myself … well, let’s just say I wouldn’t have to worry about finances for a while.

I don’t say this to boast (I hope I don’t come across that way!), but to offer encouragement. 🙂 I knew that I didn’t have much time with (adult) help at the house so I had a little game plan that I used for that week and for when I was on my own. I share this with those that are pregnant and looking forward to that time of transitioning in a new family member – one who has trouble figuring out whether he or she is crying because he’s tired or hungry, and likes to be held a lot! 🙂

1. While you have help, get SLEEP. That’s what your help is there for! 🙂 I tend to forget, especially when someone like my Mom is over, that I don’t need to entertain her or talk to keep her company. I have three little girls there for just that purpose. 🙂 I need to remember to take advantage of the help and if I need to catch a nap between feedings, then do it. Most Grandmas are more than happy to hold the new baby and play with the other kids while you doze for a few minutes. They know you are the one that will be up at night with the baby while they are hopefully getting a full night’s sleep.

2. Have a plan for breakfast. Don’t worry about dinner, your husband will be home to help you with that, and lunch is usually something that can easily be put together. But breakfast was my downfall. After being up for two or three feedings, I wake up in a fog and the last thing on my mind is what to feed the starving 15 month old that is frantically pulling on her highchair saying “Eat, eat, eat!!!” So, think ahead. What is easy and or can be made quickly for breakfast and you don’t have to think long and hard about it? We do lots of toast right now (cinnamon toast to be exact), granola bars, pancakes and french toast. I also usually throw out some fruit – whether it’s fresh or applesauce from a jar.

3. Get sunshine. While there are all sorts of medical reasons why sunshine is good for you (vitamin D and all), it just makes me happy. 🙂 My husband is great about loading all the kids up in our van and taking us all for a long Saturday afternoon drive about a week after I’ve been trapped, stuck housebound with the kids. Sunshine revitalizes me like nothing else, and if there’s a cold Diet Coke in the drink holder it’s just that much better. 🙂 Plus, it gives me a chance for a little adult conversation with Travis while (usually) all three snooze in their carseats. I try and get outside in our backyard a couple days a week, too. Sunshine works!

4. Do the next thing. There are very few things that HAVE to be done those first few weeks at home. Laundry can wait until your husband is home, or the kids are in bed (really, it can!) but you have to feed your kids lunch and you have to change a diaper now and then. Focus on the essentials, and don’t worry about the stuff that isn’t high priority. That helped me so much as I was looking at projects I wanted to get done, things I wanted/needed to clean, and just had no energy or was just too sore to tackle. It can wait and will still be there after you’ve had two or three weeks to heal and rest.

I could post so many more thoughts on this, but I’m going to stop. 🙂 These are tips that Work for Me and I hope they help and encourage you!

For more WFMW ideas, visit Shannon at Rocks in my Dryer!!

Menu Plan Monday – May 28

B: leftover breakfast cassarole
L: quesadillas
D: grill chicken, salad

B: leftover French toast (if all gone, oatmeal and toast)
L: mac & cheese
D: Taco Hot Dish

B: oatmeal/toast
L: mac & cheese leftovers
D: dinner being brought over by a friend!

B: oatmeal/toast
L: quesadillas
D: Sticky Chicken (CP)

B: oatmeal/toast
L: chicken nuggets
D: pizza

B: oatmeal/toast
L: leftovers
D: Church Picnic

(Most of the lunch stuff is just ideas for the kids … we have lots of leftovers from meals usually that get served first. These ideas are just back-up in case it’s something that the munchkins won’t eat).

Head over to Org Junkie for more Monday menu inspiration!

Happy Memorial Day Weekend!

A few photos and then I’m off … N1 is at her first Chuck E. Cheese birthday party with her Daddy and I’m home with the babies. Hoping to get a few things done once they are down for morning naps.

We had a little photo shoot with my Dad last weekend in the quest for a family photo and one of the three girls together! The goal was really a picture of the girls, but when I noticed that Travis and I were both in blue and red like they were, well, I had to try for a coordinating picture. I was so excited with how they turned out! And, yes, we bribed N1 with a piece of candy to sit and pose like that. 🙂 The middle picture below of just the girls will go with E’s birth annoucement so that our friends can see how big the other girls are getting. I like including all the girls somehow when I mail out a picture and annoucement of the new baby.

Have a great weekend!

Our family:

Our Family - May 07

Our girls:

Our Girls - May 07

The big girls:



Found at Becky’s:

What was on your mind yesterday? N1 had a headache (a first) and I was a little worried what was up with that.
What is on your mind today? Do I get out of the house with the girls or not? I could run a couple errands, or we could stay in …. what to do!
Do you like bonfires? Yes! But only if it’s chilly out. A summer/hot weather bonfine (been to one of those before) is just wrong!
Have you lived up to your parents’ expectations? In some areas. 🙂
Are we more likely to find you in a coffee bar or a nightclub? Coffee bar.
Do you gamble? No.
Have you ever ridden a horse? Several times. Those were all adventures that ended Very.Badly. For me. Not the horse.
Do you drink alcohol? No.
Turn your head to the right — what do you see? Baskets of pens and my calendar. *happy sigh*
How tall are you? Almost 5’5″ (5’4½”)
Describe your last date: Um, we went out for Mexican food and saw Spiderman 3 the night before E was due … and then I started having contractions at the movies and we ended up heading to the hospital about midnight!
Do you have rhythm? Yes when it comes to playing an instrument or singing …. none at all when it comes to dancing.
What web browser do you use? IE.
What time zone are you in? Central
Do you wear a wristwatch? All.The.Time.
Are you clumsy or graceful? It’s about even.
Do you like to spy on people? Not really. 🙂
Are football players paid too much? Yes.
Does time always kill pain? No.
First kiss? The husband. 🙂
Are you complicated? Sometimes.
Do you believe in heaven? Absolutely.
Are you free with your feelings? With my girls and husband, yes! With others, not so much.
How much money do you have in your wallet right now? 26 cents. 🙂

If you do this, leave me a comment so I can come check it out!

In my cart…

Inspired by Cheri’s last post. 🙂

  • generic fruit loops
  • generic corn chex
  • 3 boxes of fruit & grain granola bars (generic raspberry, apple & blueberry)
  • Mission Tortilla chips
  • bread (3 loaves)
  • bagels (1 dozen plain)
  • Swiss cheese
  • light cream cheese
  • Big K (diet/caffiene free) and assorted drinks for the husband to take to work
  • coffee (Folgers breakfast blend – Travis’ favorite)
  • Parmesan cheese
  • 1 gallon whole milk
  • 1 gallon 2% milk
  • 2 box mac & cheese (generic)
  • bag salad
  • bananas
  • Creating Keepsakes June issue (a little Mama treat) 🙂
  • green bell pepper
  • red bell pepper
  • Glad press & seal (I do NOT skimp on plastic wrap!)
  • grape tomatoes
  • 2 cans tuna w/ water
  • curry paste (for Travis’ especial stir-fry)
  • 2 crescent rolls
  • breakfast sausage
  • bacon
  • 1 thin round steak (for fajitas)
  • popcorn (loose kernals)

How cool is this?

Five Minutes for Mom is having another great contest – this one is for a tutu from Tutu Fantasy. I post this link with some hesitation. 🙂 If we won this, N1 would want to wear this 24/7 and I’m not sure how I feel about that. LOL

Anyway, head over to 5MfM if you want to enter!

Menu Plan for this Week – May 21

A little late, so I’m not going to even bother linking to Org Junkie’s Mr. Linky this week. 🙂 We’re are still supposed to have a couple more meals brought to us from church folks (woo-hoo!) so I’ve made a rather fluid menu that can be changed if I don’t have to cook.

Dinner: Pizza

Dinner: hamburger helper (yum!), green beans, salad

Dinner: chicken stir-fry

Dinner: meatloaf or spaghetti, salad, bread

Dinner: chicken soft tacos (in the crockpot) with all the fixin’s

Dinner: crescent roll breakfast cassarole (new recipe) and fruit salad

Lunch: family lunch (at the grandparents); dinner is a lovely assortment of leftovers from the fridge that might still be edible before it is purged for Monday’s trash day.

I didn’t bother to do breakfast and lunch because the cupboards are BARE! and the untraditional breakfast and lunches that I have been making do with do not need to be posted! The girls (yes, all 3) and I are going to attempt Kroger’s this afternoon to restock the necessities which is greatly needed.

Some pictures to tide you over…


Daddy & N2



About 2 1/2 years ago I had my first online meeting with folks I met through the Women at Home site. This lovely lady was one of those women. We share a deep love of Diet Coke and books and I’ve watched her walk through some huge personal struggles in the last few years.

Today I found out she has cancer. A really ugly kind. Pray for Nattie. God is on his throne and He is sovereign.

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